Sunday, Sigh, Sunday
So I arrived in Europe on a Sunday - I should know better by now! There was no one at the information desk in the airport so I couldn't find out which bus shuttled to the rail station or if there even was a shuttle on Sunday. After being approached by some smarmy taxi drivers I decided to try my luck with the bus crowd. Too tired to use a phrasebook I asked if anyone spoke English and the all sadly shook their heads no. I then asked if anyone spoke German and received many an enthusiastic "Ja!" Before I knew it two men were conversing in German about the best route and their two wives were asking me about where I was from. They were shocked an American could speak any German. One of the men joked that he wondered if he could have such luck in the States. With my route decided on (by the two older men) I was on my way to the central train station with one of the ladies as company. Mind you I was exhausted but still found myself conversing with the nice woman in German for the whole 20 minute ride - I think being tired helped me not worry about it and just speak.
I walked to my hostel from the central train station. Then I went to look for a phone card but could not get one as only basic markets were open. If anyone is planning on traveling to Poland, let me save you the hassle - you get the phone card at the Post Office - yeah doesn't work so well on Sunday. You cannot use coins or cc to call - heck I couldn't even call collect! The card isn't even a card but a code that you get on a receipt and dial in.
Anyways, after my fruitless search for a phone card of any type wouldn't you know it there are free wireless zones in town. So I just hopped on the little Eee PC and e-mailed home I arrived okay. So yeah, wireless Internet was the easier than phoning home - go figure!
PS The pics are the view from my room on the house boat - Pepperland Hostel. I will post a pic of the room itself after I have all my junk packed up again :)
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